We arrived in the Cameron Highlands on Tuesday and I felt alive again. The temperature never rises much above 20 degrees, nor drops below 10, such a relief after the humid weather we've had. An hour after we arrived the heavens opened too, which brought a great big grin to my face, not because it was raining exactly, more because Matt hadn't brought his waterproof out with him and I had. 1-0
We've both really enjoyed the Highlands and the food here has been the best to date. Being such a melting pot the choice of cuisine is fantastic, Banana Leaf curry (Indian), Steamboat (Chinese) and scones with jam and cream (!!!). This wasn't the only evidence we found of the good ol' British Empire and as we walked down one lane we happened across an old English style guesthouse with traditional telephone box outside - photo opportunity number 126.
We spent yesterday with a guide who took us to visit the sights that the Cameron Highlands have to offer. We spent the morning trekking through the jungle where he pointed out what all the plants could be used for; hay fever relief, mosquito repellent and a natural Viagra so that we can "keep our girlfriends very happy" (it'd take more than that me thinks). Seeing as homosexuality is illegal here, we decided it wasn't the right time to divulge that the only women we fine remotely attractive are Barbara Streisand and Elaine Paige - how I miss radio 2 on a Sunday afternoon!
From here we visited a tea plantation and factory, which to this day is owned by a Scottish family. It's Malaysia's largest producer of tea and our mothers would have loved it, proper nice brew. Matt once again humiliated me by telling our guide in his broadest northern accent "I hate tea" and then ordered a Sprite, oh the shame.
Anyhow, the highlight of the day for me came when we visited an Orang Asli (native) family, just outside the jungle. They live a very basic day-by-day existence and once they have enough food for the day, they stop hunting until the next. They have little or no possessions, yet seemed, from an outsiders point of view, to be very happy and content. Whether this is due to the 'good life' or the tobacco based products they chew and smoke I've yet to decide. We were taken into the jungle by Ali and shown how to use a blowpipe to kill animals for food. He beckoned me forward to have a try and so I put down my bag and took aim. His face suddenly changed once he realised he'd handed a lethal dart to someone who shakes almost as much as Judy Finnegan, but have no fear, my first shot hit the target perfectly. It took Matt 3 attempts but he got there in the end. 2-0.
After this we went back to the house, which was made entirely from bamboo, to meet the rest of Ali's family, we ate sugar cane with them, learnt some more about their traditional way of life and then played some instruments and sang.
We've really enjoyed our time in the Highlands and have finally tasted durian (a stinky, cheese-like fruit that is seen as a delicacy but is often banned from hotels because of its vomit like smell) which we quite enjoyed. Half-way through eating mine a monkey crawled up my leg, onto my waist and then snatched it out of my hand - cheeky monkey.
We are now on our way to a place called Georgetown and the man on the bus has stopped shouting and gone to sleep. I'm gonna try and join him, so will stop writing now.
Wow from the pictures and your description the Highlands sound fantastic and what a wonderful time you both seem to be having. Very jealous!
You chaps don't do things by halves, do you? Not that any of us ever suspected you would...
When you come back show me the mystery of Barbara Streisand for I have yet to get it xxx
Mat - Now where have I seen one of those phone boxes before .... :-)
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